How to Read Your Car Tyre Size

By Manchester Powder Coating

Introduction: Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to read your car tyre size. Understanding the markings on your tyres is crucial for selecting the right replacements and ensuring optimal performance and safety. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through decoding your car’s tyre size, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive confidently.…

What Problems Does Brake Dust Cause?

By Manchester Powder Coating

Brake dust is something that happens every time your vehicle’s brakes are used. It’s never noticed as it happens gradually. That’s because it builds up slowly over the long months and only grabs attention when it starts to affect your wheels. The effects can be visual such as a strange colour deposited on the wheel.…

How Much is It to Diamond Cut Alloy Wheels?

By Manchester Powder Coating

You’ve hit a curb or a pothole and your wheels are Diamond Cut and you are wondering how much is it to fix them. Or just to change the colour. With new cars regularly being released. Many car dealers are keen to bring out their best vehicles. Many feature Diamond Cut wheels. Unfortunately, some models…

Powder Coating Vs Liquid Paint

By Manchester Powder Coating

In the world of painting metals, liquid paint has been the go-to for years. That however is now being replaced with a more efficient, clean and durable powder coating. It is a trendy process that can be taken as a cooler way of painting. However, powder coating is a lot more than just a cool…

How to stop diamond-cut alloys from corroding

By Manchester Powder Coating

If you’ve just had your wheels freshly refurbished you might be wondering how to stop them from corroding. Many die-hard car enthusiasts will sware by cleaning their car with nothing other than a wash mitt and a bucket of water. However, there are those who don’t have the time or space to clean their ride…

5 Things you should know about Diamond Cut Alloy Wheels.

By Manchester Powder Coating

Here at Manchester Powder Coating, we like to give our customers many options when it comes to having their alloy wheels refurbished. In today’s blog, we are going to talk about Diamond-Cut alloy wheels and some benefits and negatives about them. 1: They look fantastic The number one reason people decide on diamond-cut alloy wheels…

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