Alloy Wheel with Scruff Marks Awaiting Refurbishment

If you’ve just had your wheels freshly refurbished you might be wondering how to stop them from corroding. Many die-hard car enthusiasts will sware by cleaning their car with nothing other than a wash mitt and a bucket of water.

However, there are those who don’t have the time or space to clean their ride and freshly powder-coated wheels. Taking it somewhere that can clean a car and those diamond-cut alloy wheels can be useful. The problem comes when the cleaning products used are acid based. The other issue comes when using stiff and aggressive brushes when cleaning the wheel. 

What can cause alloy wheels to corrode?

Using wheel cleaners that are acid-based can weaken the lacquer and increase your chance of corrosion. The best way to avoid discolouration or corrosion is by using a pH-neutral wheel cleaner. And avoid any cleaning products that are acid or alkaline-based.

How to Avoid Wheel Corrosion

As mentioned in our blog “Why Paint Wheels Callipers“. Brake dust is the worst offender when it comes to collecting road rime and causing problems around the wheel. The iron particles from brake pads in the callipers lead to corrosion. Especially when cleaned incorrectly or not cleaned at all. The best way to avoid wheel corrosion is a combination of methods. It all depends on which process you want to choose. The simplest method is to clean the wheel regularly. Use a pH-neutral wheel cleaner, clean water, a soft wash mitt, and a soft wheel cleaning brush.

How to protect alloy wheels?

If you’ve just had your alloy wheels power coated or diamond-cut after being refurbished and they are now freshly lacquered. You can add waxes or sealants to them to help maintain them, plus it makes them easier to keep clean. They don’t fully protect the wheels from stone chips, kerb damage, or long-term wear and tear. They do however help to slow the processes that can lead to corrosion. 

How to look after your diamond-cut alloy wheels?

The best way is to apply waxes, sealants, or even ceramic coatings that are fresh from being out of the powder coating oven. That way they haven’t had any break dust settle onto them. The other time to apply them is when the wheels are having a full detailing service. 

The first step is to get the wheels cleaned with a ph neutral iron fallout remover, which is designed to safely remove iron contamination from all surfaces. Once washed it can then be further cleaned with a clay bar to get any other contaminates.

It’s important to note that if you want to ceramic coat your wheels that it is professionally applied by a qualified car detailer.

How to clean your wheels

Brake dust is the worst culprit for creating issues with your wheels, it can lead to some nasty-looking corrosion. The best way to keep them clean and well-maintained is ideally washing them weekly. However, we know that isn’t always possible but here are some cleaning processes to help.

  • Start by rinsing the wheels with water
  • Scrub with a soft tyre-cleaning brush
  • Wash off the residue with water
  • Spray the wheels with an acid-free rim cleaner (follow the instructions on the wheel clean as some might require them to be left on the wheel for around 5 mins)
  • Wash off the residue with water
  • Spray tyre cleaner on the tyres and scrub with a soft tyre-cleaning brush
  • Wash off the residue with water

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